Elena Sundick, teaching artist

Elena Sundick, teaching artist
Artist Ensemble

Elena Sundick is a NYC based dancer and passionate dance educator. Elena is a graduate of The Ailey School and holds a Bachelor's in Dance and Cognitive/Somatic Studies (Summa Cum Laude) from Hunter College. Elena is also a 200 hour certified yoga instructor. Elena’s warm and nurturing pedagogical approach to teaching dance stems from a deep awareness of the emotional needs of dancers. Elena is a strong advocate for mental health resources in the dance community after conducting extensive research through the Mellon Public Humanities Fellowship on dancer mental health. Elena is a guest lecturer for the Performing Arts Medicine program at the University of South Florida, was a speaker at the 2022 DANCE/NYC Symposium, and is a published writer for Dance Spirit Magazine with her article Dance is Therapy– But Dancers Need Better Mental Health Resources. Elena is the Founding Director of Sacred Space Ballet, an opportunity for dancers to take class in a low pressure, supportive environment with live music and is also a proud faculty member at Berest Dance Center.

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