Home » School Partnerships » Brooklyn » PS 207K
School Mission: “We at P.S. 207 are dedicated to creating an environment, which is conducive to learning while meeting the academic, social and emotional needs of our diverse student population. We will help our students become college and career ready by holding them to high expectations by providing them with rigorous instruction aligned with the common core learning standards. We encourage student creativity and individuality while helping our students develop solid values that foster respect for self and others.” School Website
Arts Partner Since 2021. Grades PreK-5, 1016 students; 25% Hispanic, 51% Black, 14% Asian, 31% White; 5% English Language Learners; 42% Economically Disadvantaged; 18% Special Education
Dance Party!: Street jazz and social dance as a way to build connections and community (2 class groups, 50 students; 20 sessions) Grade: 4th | Teaching Artist: Emily Schwartz Photos Video Showcase

Home » School Partnerships » Brooklyn » PS 207K