Home » School Partnerships » Manhattan » The Neighborhood School
School Mission: The Neighborhood School’s mission is based on our belief that children thrive when we build on their strengths and provide a safe and nurturing environment. Our practices and policies are rooted in anti-bias and anti-racist work, which involves the entire school community. Our interdisciplinary, inquiry-based curriculum encompasses children’s interests and is responsive to the needs of each child. We collaborate with families in order to foster a community that is supportive of the whole child. School-wide policies and practices are formed collaboratively and dynamically to provide a cohesive and thoughtful environment for our community.
Arts Partner Since 2018. Grades PreK-5, 306-students; 35% Hispanic, 12% Black, 7% Asian, 37% White; 2% English Language Learners; 44% Economically Disadvantaged; 23% Special Education
(2022-2023) Encanta Bailar! & Shapes in Space (2 class groups, 50 students; 12 sessions) Grades: K-1 & 5 | Teaching Artists: Hannah DeFranzo, Andrea Andresakis Photos Video
(2022-2023) Creative Dance and Expression (1 class group, 25 students; 180 sessions) Grades PreK-K Teaching Artists: Erke Roosen, Vera Paganin, Cole Stapleton, Isaac Kerr, Lindsey Jennings, Bri Biffigani Photos Video
(2021-2022) About 3rd Street (6 class groups, 150 students; 60 sessions) Grades: 2-5 Teaching Artist: Hannah McClean Photos Video
(2021-2022) Dancing with Aretha! (1 class group, 25 students; 180 sessions) Grades: PreK-1 | Teaching Artists: Vera Paganin, Hailey Kemp, Emily, Erke Roosen, Mary Rogers, Rosari Sarasvati, Lindsey Jennings, Lorena Jaramillo Spring Photos Winter Photos
(Summer Rising 2021) A World in New York City & Exploring Jazz and Street Jazz Dance Through Music and Culture (9 class groups, 160 students; 17 sessions) Grades: K-5 | Teaching Artists: Rohan Bhargava, Vera Paganin Photos Video
(2019-2020) After-School Program (1 class group, 7 students; 170 sessions) Grades: PreK-2 Teaching Artists: Erke Roosen, Leanna Grennan, Manon Hallay, Vera Paganin, Rosetta Fair, Brianna Biffignani, Cora Miller Laszlo, Elya Osmanova, Luisa Righeto, Leila Mire Videos
(2018-2019) African Dance Residency (1-class groups, 175-students; 7-sessions) Grade: 2-4 Teaching Artists: Fatima Alston Photos Video 1 Video 2
(2018-2019) PreK-1st Grade After-School Program (2-class groups, 17-students; 180-sessions) Grades: PreK-1 Teaching Artists: Dot Armstrong, Manon Hallay, Christianna Giuame, Leanna Grennan, Manon Hallay, Fatima Logan-Alston, Vera Pagnin, Luisa Righeto, Erke Roosen, Fabricio Seraphin Video

Home » School Partnerships » Manhattan » The Neighborhood School