Home » School Partnerships » Queens » PS 133Q
School Mission: “P.S. 133Q wants to serve the community by creating life-long learners and building a well-rounded high quality education. Through collaboration and inquiry we strive to build critical thinkers and a love for learning. As a school we believe in equity for all by honoring students’ individual talents, academic abilities, cultural identities and social emotional development. We foster a safe and secure environment where students feel respected, motivated and empowered to work collaboratively to take on challenging rigorous tasks. Here at P.S. 133Q we grow minds in order to build ownership and take on authentic conversations that lead to a deeper understanding.” School Website
Arts Partner Since 2021. Grades K-5, 598 students; 32% Hispanic, 66% Black, 63% Asian, 2% White; 10% English Language Learners; 45% Economically Disadvantaged; 11% Special Education
(2021-2022) All that Jazz (3 class groups, 75 students; 12 sessions) Grade: 3rd | Teaching Artist: Madison Williams
Home » School Partnerships » Queens » PS 133Q